I don't fully understand the magic that earns money from blogging. I do know, with ad revenue, it's the sweet spot of online freelancing. Since 2008, blog ads have supplemented my income--not just a little, $200-$800 a month. Here are free ad sites to monetize blogging. These aren't click fraudsters. They're Google-approved sites.
* Blog-Freelance Win-Win: First a word on how that sweet spot I mentioned works. Write articles for upfront pay (or performance only). Earn performance payments on page views. Several content sites pay upfront and performance. Others, one or the other. Companies form, disband or change, so search opportunities regularly. If company terms of service allow and you earn page views, blog snippets of articles with links back to original. This earns page views plus ad revenue if readers click ads while on your blog. I have blogs on Google Blogger and Wordpress. Read more Google-Friendly Ad Revenue Sites to Earn Money Blogging